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Заглавие: The Lower City of Tanais
Другие заглавия: Нижний город Танаиса
Авторы: Kozlovskaya, Viktoria Ivanovna
Козловская, Виктория Ивановна
Ilyashenko, Sergey Mikhailovich
Ильяшенко, Сергей Михайлович
Ключевые слова: география, природа, климат древних цивилизаций
geography, nature, and climate of ancient
археология: Древний Восток и античность
archaeology: the ancient East and classical antiquity
античная археология
classical archaeology
история Древней Греции
history of ancient Greece
эллинизм (вторая половина IV — середина I вв. до н.э.)
Hellenism (second half of the 4th — mid-1st centuries B.C.)
античное Причерноморье
Black Sea region in classical antiquity
греческие колонии в Причерноморье
Greek colonies in the Black Sea region
научная жизнь (конференции, симпозиумы, семинары, круглые столы и др.)
scientific life (conferences, symposiums, workshops, round-tables, etc.)
научные мероприятия по истории Древней Греции
scientific events on the history of ancient Greece
lake Maeotis
Меотийское озеро
Боспорское царство
Bosporan kingdom
trade route
торговый путь
full-text version
полнотекстовая версия
topographical plan
топографический план
Exploring the Hospitable Sea (сб. ст.)
Issue Date: 2013
Издатель: Archaeopress
Библиографическое описание: Kozlovskaya V.I., Ilyashenko S.M. 2013: The Lower City of Tanais // Exploring the Hospitable Sea. Proceedings of the International Workshop on the Black Sea in Antiquity held in Thessaloniki, 21–23 September 2012 / Ed. by Manolis Manoledakis. Oxford, 83-94.
Краткий обзор (реферат): Situated near the point where the Tanais River (the modern Don) flowed into Lake Maeotis (the modern Sea of Azov), the Greek colony of Tanais was located on the frontier of the ancient Greek world. Founded in the first quarter of the 3rd century B.C. as a small trading settlement, the city gradually became a large center of commerce and a major emporion. The systematic excavations at this site began in 1955, but after almost one hundred and fifty years, the size of the ancient city, as well as its precise topography and lay-out, still remain largely unknown. From the 1990s onwards, more archaeological work has been undertaken in the territory of the Upper City outside the main part of the settlement, bringing to light new evidence. The part of the city about which we know the least is the area to the south of the citadel, where the Lower City must have been located. The present article discusses all available evidence that may help us to reconstruct the diachronic development of the Lower City of Tanais and indicate the possible location of the ancient harbor. В настоящей статье на основе археологических данных детально реконструируется развитие Нижнего города Танаиса, а также проводится анализ сведений, помогающих определить возможное расположения древней гавани.
Описание: Список литературы: с. 93; текст статьи снабжен многочисленными иллюстрациями.
URI: http://elar.uniyar.ac.ru/jspui/handle/123456789/2922
ISBN: 9781407311142
Appears in Collections:Временная коллекция 2 (ST.ANTIQ.)

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