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Заглавие: Политическая ономастика классических Афин в надписях V–IV вв. до н.э.
Другие заглавия: Political Onomastics of Classical Athens According to 5th-4th Centuries B.C. Inscriptions
Авторы: Карпюк, Сергей Георгиевич
Karpyuk, Sergey Georgievich
Ключевые слова: история Древней Греции
history of ancient Greece
классическая Греция (V — первая половина IV вв. до н.э.)
Classical Greece (5th — mid-4th centuries B.C.)
просопографические исследования древнегреческой истории
prosopographical studies of ancient Greek history
социальная структура и социальные отношения в древних обществах
social framework and social relationships in ancient societies
социальная структура и социальные отношения в античной Греции
social framework and social relationships in ancient Greece
политическое устройство древних обществ
political structure of ancient societies
политическое устройство в античной Греции
political structure in ancient Greece
полнотекстовая версия
full-text version
Вестник древней истории (ж-л)
политическая идеология
political ideology
статистический анализ
statistical analysis
политические предпочтения
political predilections
Дата публикации: 2003
Издатель: РАН
Библиографическое описание: Карпюк С.Г. 2003: Политическая ономастика классических Афин в надписях V–IV вв. до н.э. // ВДИ. 3, 4-35.
Краткий обзор (реферат): Автор исходит в своем исследовании из того, что при помощи анализа личных имен обитателей классических Афин возможно лучше понять развитие демократических политических идей. Данные истрической ономастики (антропонимики) используются для того, чтобы показать роль и значение демократической идеологии в классических Афинах. Политически окрашенные имена расматриваются в работе как "маркер" идеологических изменений. The study proceeds from me premise that analysing personal names of classical Athen’s inhabitants from this viewpoint one can reconstruct the development of democratic political ideas more precisely. The data of historical onomastics (anthroponymics) are used in this research in order to reveal the importance and the role of democratic ideology in classical Athens, to select politically tinted names and to consider them as a “marker” of ideological changes. For the 5th century В.С. we have the precious evidence of public funeral inscriptions. From the time of the Persian wars, the habit of public burial of the fallen warriors, called πάτριος νόμος developed in Athens, it included eulogy of ἄνδρες γενόμενοι ἀγαθοί as well as erection of burial monuments listing the names of the fallen citizens according to the tribes they belonged to (δημόσιον σῆμα or πᾶσι μνῆμα Ἀθηναίοις). For the 4th century of special importance are the lists of the members of Boule, prytanes and judges. A selection of the Athenian public funeral inscriptions yields 4.53% names with the stem dem- in the Athenian civil community of the 5th-4th centuries В.С. In the author’s opinion, such percentage of names with the stem dem- (4.5-5.5%) is normal for the Athenian civil community, and deviations from it within a large body of onomastic data mean either that the material selected was not representative (with preponderance of a certain layer of the community) or that bearers of the names in question were not citizens. It is quite evident, from the one hand, that names with the stem dem- were used by foreigners to a lesser extent and were scarcely used, if ever, by non-citizens. On the other hand, among the 5th century В.С. aristocrats with strong anti-democratic attitudes such names were also extremely rare, as it is attested by the ostraka. Names with the stem dem- were wide-spread both among the aristocrats with democratic attitudes and among the politically active part of the demos. This view is supported by the statistics of such names among Athenian magistrates (archons, judges), who, though they were chosen by lot, nominated themselves for the election, and by an unusually high percentage of Athenians bearing names with the stem dem- among trierarchs in the mid-4th сentury В.С. While in the 5th сentury В.С. the average percentage of names with the stem dem- among the rich Athenians practically coincides with average percentage in the whole of the civil community, and “aristocratic” names are much more common, in the 4th сentury В.С. the situation changes. One tenth of the trierarchs of the mid-4th сentury В.С. bear names with the stem dem-, and among “aristocratic” names those with the stem arist- lose popularity, though those with the stems hipp- and kall- are still in common use. Thus, “democratic” names (in particular, those containing the stem dem-) become “politically motivated” names of the Athenian democratic elite consisting of aristocrats with democratic attitudes and of the politically active part of the demos. All in all, the share of names with the stem dem- in a list may be indicative of the social status of the Athenians listed. The broad “middle-class” layer of “democratic aristocracy” was prone to use “democratically marked” names. In 5th and 4th centuries Athenian aristocracy would first resort to a sort of mimicry assimilating it to the demos, and later on merged with its top. The analysis of personal names makes this process “palpable”. Besides, statistic analysis of names enables us to draw conclusions on the status or political preferences of a certain group of Athenian citizens in the classical period.
Описание: Статья содержит 17 таблиц. Публикация статьи стала возможной благодаря поддержке Российского фонда фундаментальных исследований в рамках проекта "Формирование и воспроизводство демократических элит (пример древней Греции)" (код проекта 03-06-80066). Автор выражает глубокую признательность Питеру Родсу за ценные консультации и предоставленную возможность поработать в библиотеке Дарэмского университета (Англия), а также всем коллегам (и прежде всего Анне Мнссиу и Курту Раафлаубу), принявшим участие в обсуждении доклада на тему статьи в Критском университете (Ретимно, Греция) в июне 2002 г.
Это авторский препринт статьи, принятой для публикации в журнале "Вестник древней истории", © Российская академия наук, 2003 г. (http://www.naukaran.ru/)
URI: http://elar.uniyar.ac.ru/jspui/handle/123456789/1190
Располагается в коллекциях:Статьи, рецензии, персоналии в периодических, продолжающихся и др. изданиях (ST.ANTIQ.)

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