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Browsing "Электронная библиотека Научно-образовательного Центра антиковедения (STATIO ANTIQVITATIS)" by Title
Showing results 687 to 706 of 3140
Issue Date | Title | Author(s) | 1999 | The Constitution of the Roman Republic | Lintott, Andrew; Линтотт, Эндрю |
2002 | The Construction of the "Other" | Nippel, Wilfried; Ниппель, Вилфрид |
2011 | The Consul at Rome: the Civil Functions of the Consuls in the Roman Republic | Pino Polo, Francisco; Пина Поло, Франциско |
1998 | The crimen maiestatis under Caligula: The Evidence of Dio Cassius | Keaveney, Arthur; Кивини, Артур; Madden, John; Мэдден, Джон |
1979 | The Curator Rei Publicae: Towards a Reappraisal | Burton, G.P.; Бартон, Г.П. |
2012 | The Curiate Law and the Religious Nature of the Power of Roman Magistrates | Humm, Michel; Хамм, Майкл |
1987 | The Cyclades in the Bronze Age | Barber, R.L.N.; Барбер, Р.Л.Н. |
1978 | The Dedications on the Capitoline Hill | Mellor, Ronald; Меллор, Рональд |
2010 | The Eastern Amber Route between the Baltic and the Black Sea in Ancient Times | Bouzek, Jan; Боузек, Ян |
1967 | The Edict of Tiberius Julius Alexander, Remarks on Its Nature and Aim | El Abbadi, Mostafa; Эль Аббади, Мостафа |
2012 | The Education of Artists in Ancient Greece | Corso, Antonio; Корсо, Антонио |
1978 | The Emperor and the Selection of the patronus civitas. Two Examples | Nicols, John; Николс, Джон |
1976 | The End of the Philippi (mit Taf. 59) | Dušanić, Slobodan; Душанич, Слободан |
2013 | The End of the Roman Republic, 146 to 44 B.C.: Conquest and Crisis | Steel, Catherine; Стил, Кэтрин |
2006 | The Etymologies of Isidore of Seville | Barny, Stephen A.; Барни, Стивен; Lewis, Wendy J.; Льюис, Вэнди; Beach, Jennifer A.; Бич, Дженнифер; Berghof, Oliver; Бергхоф, Оливер |
2007 | The Evolution of the Eisphora in Classical Athens | Christ, Matthew R.; Крист, Мэтью Р. |
1991 | The Exercise of Power in the Roman Republic | Gruen, Erich Stephen; Груэн, Эрик Стивен |
1980 | The Extent of Persian Occupation in Thrace | Hammond, N.G.L.; Хаммонд, Н.Г.Л. |
1994 | The Fall of the Roman Republic | Shotter, David; Шоттер, Дэвид |
2013 | The Fragments of Roman Historians. Volume 1: Introduction | Cornell, Tim J.; Корнелл, Тим |
Showing results 687 to 706 of 3140